Though the story of Final Fantasy VI has an ensemble cast with no intended main character, Terra is the first character the player controls and is featured in the game's logo. While initially apprehensive about fighting and reluctant to use her powers, Terra comes to accept her true nature and fights alongside the Returners to bring about peace and create a better world for the future. After she is freed from the mind control of Kefka, Terra finds refuge in the Returners, a rebel group whose members convince her to ally with them for protection and to stop the Empire from conquering the world. Terra begins the game as a soldier for the Gestahlian Empire, who used her to further their experiments with Magitek due to her unique ability to innately use magic. Her name in menus before the player names her is displayed as ?, and her 'name' in dialogue is Girl. Terra Branford, known as Tina in the Japanese version, is a playable character in Final Fantasy VI.